Enchanting Love (E Love Series Book 2) (E-book)
Enchanting Love is Book 2 of the E Love Series by Author Danyelle Scroggins who believes that you will never understand the fullness of love until you are woven in the threads of an Enchanting Love.
In Enchanting Love, the lead character Regina is not your average girl; she has been on both sides of the track. After a chance meeting with Priscilla Marshall who presented her with new opportunities, God changed her life. Her main desire was no longer finding a man, but instead thirsting after God, building her business, and being a new person in Christ.
Dinner with her bestie, news of a new baby, and a chance meeting with an undercover waiter at La’Shelle’s restaurant, now challenged all of that. She was now second-guessing the place she had grown comfortable. Did she really want more? Was she ready to release God’s hands concerning her love life? Could she finally have a desire to be a wife and mother? These were all questions Regina now faced.
Nathan Stallone Jr. was certainly not looking for a wife, but when he laid eyes on Regina, he knew she was wife material. Now his only question was if he was ready and willing to alter his life to become a part of hers.
Nevertheless, life would throw them both a curve that could potentially cause their faith to waver. Would they endure the test? Would this be the captivating, enthralling, delightful ~ Enchanting Love~ they both dreamed about?
Find out just how God moves when we allow Him to be in control of our lives in Enchanting Love.

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